Category: Editor’s Notes
Editor’s Notes
See in the Hue is about bring a new fresh perspective. We decided to preparing for the next wave of opportunities. This newsletter is an outlet for creating and sharing updates and opportunities for people seeking them as we nurture and grow our network. It was interesting reading about a major media company file for…
Editors Notes
Putting together the first official newsletter has been a fun process, and a lot of work that I enjoy. Creating copy, getting pictures, graphic designing, SEO, web development, creating videos, editing, formulating a campaign strategy and talking to people is part of the job.
Editor’s Notes
This is our bi-weekly newsletter starting May 1st to share updates about entertainment, film, music and news as we grow the network. Send us your information for us to share and report about, because we are excite about building a community of shows, movies, documentaries and music videos made for you. Text us at (301)…