Take A Bite

Nothing like walking into a room smelling a pleasant aroma. It is no secret that doing a cooking for the network has been a priority after seeing Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart do one. We are proud to announce Chef Mo is cooking up options. Mo cares about the ingredients, the people and a wonderful culinary experience to please the pallet.

The vegan and non-vegan chef has people mixing and matching dishes to their liking. You might not care to know the difference after taking a taste. Mo makes sure people knows what they are ordering, because Mo understands dietary restrictions and preferences. Mo cooks and caters for celebrities to neighbors next door. The hustle is real good. We talking it will having you feaning for more. Look out, because we are cooking up with not cut.

Chef Mo’s show is underway. There are clips circulating social media as the first series is being produced. On an upcoming episode Marc Clark gives a review as you get to know Chef Mo serving up smack.