Author: Marcus G
Intelligence Noted
Pay attention to details, because people will try to insult the intelligence of others. Not getting caught up in mind games is the best strategy, because feeding into stupidity is a sure way to lose. Focus that energy into getting the work done, and not on misguided feelings. Avoid trying to prove a point, because…
Editor’s Notes
See in the Hue is about bring a new fresh perspective. We decided to preparing for the next wave of opportunities. This newsletter is an outlet for creating and sharing updates and opportunities for people seeking them as we nurture and grow our network. It was interesting reading about a major media company file for…
Rise Up
The Wire, before that The Corner, and now We Own This City has depicted Baltimore’s underworld as entertainment on tv series. The Skid Row street sign off North Calvert Street in the first picture below spoke volumes walking through downtown Baltimore. It makes a person think, “is the city dying or prime for opportunity?” Desolate…
Editors Notes
Putting together the first official newsletter has been a fun process, and a lot of work that I enjoy. Creating copy, getting pictures, graphic designing, SEO, web development, creating videos, editing, formulating a campaign strategy and talking to people is part of the job.