The Wire, before that The Corner, and now We Own This City has depicted Baltimore’s underworld as entertainment on tv series. The Skid Row street sign off North Calvert Street in the first picture below spoke volumes walking through downtown Baltimore. It makes a person think, “is the city dying or prime for opportunity?” Desolate storefronts at the inner harbor once filled with customers, reports about people being shot, and elected officials getting caught with their hands in the cookie jar makes for entertaining content.
In addition, Baltimore is filled with talented people, great weather and known for the best crab cakes. Being an entrepreneur in this city builds character and takes hustle. The potential and opportunity is here. However, the city needs to over come the bad reputation magnified in the media. Baltimore is in the middle of the east cost with one of the best healthcare systems in country, great colleges, and is a port city. Meaning, Baltimore will never truly die, and Maryland as a whole has some wealthy parts.
The biggest problem with Baltimore City is that is being robbed not by gun point, but by everyone working in silos instead of working together like Atlanta. Therefore, people migrate to other regions and do very well to help build that economy. The Hue Network sees opportunity to build a powerful media base. It has been a long process, but Hue is making progress. There are great things happening that will be revealed in time. It is bigger than Baltimore and the world already knows the name. Time to rise up.
Out of towners always ask, “ is Baltimore like The Wire?” It is a tough place, but there is more to the city than what is sensationalized in the media. People here are not pushovers by far, nor is everyone starting trouble. However, it is suggested to mind your business and stay out they way.
On another note, people are looking for a way out of poverty, some people are suffering from mental health issues and drug addiction like in most cities. Therefore, an equilibrium is needed in Baltimore’s film industry. The key is developing entertaining content in other genres of film beyond crime and corruption. It maybe a little harder to gain support for those projects, but not impossible. We are looking forward to working on developing some content that shows another dimension of Baltimore.
Do not get it twisted, we will have a full range of content including dramas. Providing entertainment and educate on the Hue Network is important, because storytelling is powerful. Let us know about any upcoming projects that will provide a full spectrum of light to help tell the whole story and not just crime and punishment. Be sure to subscribe to our email list to stay up to date on content made for you.